There is a wide output range of diesel generator present on the lists of the vendors. But the power ranging between 12 kVA to 1250 kVA diesel generators is most required by the customers and thus, prominent on the list.
The high-end power range such as 500- 1250 kVA is most applicable in factories, shopping centers, hotels, and resorts. While being immensely large machines, these diesel generators can last for hours providing electricity to heavy equipment in extremely harsh environments, and are considered to be reliable machines for alternative power supply.
Whereas, the low power range such as 12kVA-100kVA diesel generators is widely applicable in small business, Houses, Penthouses, Restaurants, Parks, etc. These low and mid-power ranged diesel gen-sets provide electricity to households, small offices as well as small parks and are considered to be extremely dependable in all situations.
Below are the prices and specifications of these diesel generators:
Price of 12 kVA Diesel Generator
These are some of the most prominent and top-notch brands for 12 kVA diesel generators. Perkins, Yangdong, kubota and Lister Petter. They are combined with Stamford, Leroy Somer, and Mecc Alte alternators.
Price Range:
The prices of these diesel generators are ranged between Rs:890,000 – Rs:950,000.
These diesel generators are best for small businesses and residential areas. They can light up necessary appliances.
Price of 30 kVA Diesel Generator:
These diesel gen-sets made for households and small businesses are mostly an instant go-to for home and business owners due to its output which exceeds requirement of house load as well as work space load and is optimal for lower mid power output. Crafted by Perkins, Cummins, Kubota, Lister Petter and Baudouin, they acquire Stamford, Mecc Alte and Leroy Somer alternators for power conversion.
These compact and economical diesel generators are designed for small offices and factories, households, and everyday use.
Price Range:
The prices of the diesel generators vary between Rs:1,200,000 – Rs:1,400,000.
Price of 50 kVA Diesel Generator:
The top sharers of the market for 50 kVA diesel generators are Perkins, Cummins, Lister Petter, and Baudouin and are merged with Leroy Somer, and Mecc Alte, Stamford Alternator.
These incredibly powerful and economical machines are used to electrify medium sized businesses, small hospitals, and offices.
Price Range:
The prices of these diesel generators vary between Rs:1,900,000 – Rs:3,050,000.
100 kVA Diesel Generator Price:
The top engine manufacturers are Perkins, Cummins, Caterpillar, and Baudouin. This range is mostly required for high end businesses, medium scaled industries and recreational areas. These engineering artworks are compatible with all major brands alternators.
This range of diesel generators is most desired for large offices, hospitals, recreational areas and medium scaled industry. It can power up these areas for an extended period of time, ensuring smooth and consistent workflow and activities.
Price Range:
The price tags of these diesel generators range from Rs:320,0000-450,0000.
Price of 500 kVA Diesel Generator:
Although CAT is the leading large diesel generator manufacturer in the market since last three decade however, Cummins and Perkins, are become tough competitor in the market and grabbing large chunk of the market due to the low price tag.
These diesel generators are required to power large-scale businesses, commercial buildings, and resorts.
Price Range:
These generators have a price tag of Rs:10,000,000 – Rs:15,000,000.
Price of 1250 kVA Diesel Generator:
These diesel generators are conquering the high end, industry running, all-purpose diesel generators’ market and are made mainly by CAT, Perkins and Cummins and are compounded with Stamford, Leroy Somer, and Mecc Alte alternators to produce the resultant power supply.
These ultra-heavy gen-sets are applicable to large industries, data centers, and office buildings. They are considered very powerful and robust power source to power up the areas and exceed the expectations and provide comfort in all conditions.
Price Range:
The prices of these gen-sets stretch from Rs:30,000,000- Rs:40,000,000.
Visit our website to get best generator in pakistan
The market of diesel generators encompasses a wide radius of power range designed to meet several sorts of consumer demands and applications. We can pick a relevant gen-set by gauging the specifications of these diesel generators as per our requirements and expectations and ensure continuous advancements in our households and occupational locale.